General Insurance
We here at Nu-Era Financial services believe that it is important to look at the whole financial package surrounding your new mortgage. You have already trusted us to help with your large financial decisions, now we can help you with the smaller ones too. So what is general insurance ?
There are two areas we look at for General Insurance. Protection for your new home and its contents and this is in the form of Buildings and Contents insurance and protection for you personally and this comes in the form of Accident, Sickness and Unemployment cover. There are hundreds of different providers and combinations to choose from and this can be a potential problem in either paying too much for the wrong cover or not enough for too little cover. We aim here not only to tailor the right policy for your needs but to search the market to find the cheapest option of the most suited policy for you

Accident, Sickness and Unemployment
ASU is designed to provide you with financial protection in the event you are unable to continue working because:
• You have lost your job through no fault of your own;
• You become ill and are too sick to work;
• You are injured and unable to work.
You will typically receive a proportion of your income for up to 12/24 months which can then be used to help cover your monthly outgoings.
Buildings and Contents Insurance
For Buildings insurance as well as the structure of the property, a buildings policy covers permanent fixtures and fittings such as baths and toilets, fitted kitchens and bedroom cupboards and the decorations inside your home, including wallpaper. Buildings policies usually also include garages, greenhouses and garden sheds at your home. However, cover can differ between different insurers (for example, some policies may not cover things like boundary walls, fences, gates, paths, drives or swimming pools), so it is important to check whether policies meet your needs.
Contents insurance covers just about everything you would take with you if you moved house − furniture, carpets, curtains, kitchen equipment (freestanding, not fitted), clothes, televisions, computers and other home electronics and so on. Every policy has limits on how much you can claim, so you need to make sure that you are covered for the full cost of replacing the things you own.
If you’ve already got a home contents insurance policy, however long you’ve had it for, you should always check it to make sure it’s still providing sufficient cover for your current possessions. Every year you receive a renewal invitation from your existing Building and Contents home insurance provider advising you of your premium for the year ahead. There is no guarantee the provider who helped you last year will continue to be the best provider for this year. Their cover levels may have altered and they may no longer suit your changing requirements. They may also not be as competitively priced as they were last year.
We would like to extend our services to you to help you secure the most competitive provider for the year ahead, with no advice fee to be charged. We will conduct a whole of market comparison and offer you a range of tailored policies to suit your needs and budget.
As part of our service we also search our panel of 5 star defaqto rated insurers to find you the most suitable insurance for your new/existing property and also protection in the form of Accident,Sickness and Unemployment. The great news is that there is no charge for our service and we get you the best quotes and the right cover from the UK’s top insurers.

Buildings and Contents Insurance
For Buildings insurance as well as the structure of the property, a buildings policy covers permanent fixtures and fittings such as baths and toilets, fitted kitchens and bedroom cupboards and the decorations inside your home, including wallpaper. Buildings policies usually also include garages, greenhouses and garden sheds at your home. However, cover can differ between different insurers (for example, some policies may not cover things like boundary walls, fences, gates, paths, drives or swimming pools), so it is important to check whether policies meet your needs.
Contents insurance covers just about everything you would take with you if you moved house − furniture, carpets, curtains, kitchen equipment (freestanding, not fitted), clothes, televisions, computers and other home electronics and so on. Every policy has limits on how much you can claim, so you need to make sure that you are covered for the full cost of replacing the things you own.
If you’ve already got a home contents insurance policy, however long you’ve had it for, you should always check it to make sure it’s still providing sufficient cover for your current possessions. Every year you receive a renewal invitation from your existing Building and Contents home insurance provider advising you of your premium for the year ahead. There is no guarantee the provider who helped you last year will continue to be the best provider for this year. Their cover levels may have altered and they may no longer suit your changing requirements. They may also not be as competitively priced as they were last year.
We would like to extend our services to you to help you secure the most competitive provider for the year ahead, with no advice fee to be charged. We will conduct a whole of market comparison and offer you a range of tailored policies to suit your needs and budget.
As part of our service we also search our panel of 5 star defaqto rated insurers to find you the most suitable insurance for your new/existing property and also protection in the form of Accident,Sickness and Unemployment. The great news is that there is no charge for our service and we get you the best quotes and the right cover from the UK’s top insurers.
Nu-Era Financial Services Ltd, Southsea, specialises in all aspects of business finances and can help you with commercial finances, commercial mortgages and investment services in Portsmouth.
Andy: 07956 458 253
Annie: 07904 517 669